UCEL Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano Rosario
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The travelling preacher : John Wesley in the North East 1742 - 1790 /

by Milburn, Geoffrey E.
Published by : Wesley Historical Society, (North East Branch (US) :) Physical details: 104 p. : il. ; 21 x 15 cm. Subject(s): RELIGION | TEOLOGIA WESLEYANA | CRISTIANISMO | METODISMO | WESLEY, JUAN (1703-1791) Year: 1987
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Libros Libros Biblioteca Thomas Wood.
Colección Raquel M. Cáceres
287 M57 (Browse shelf) Ej.:1 Available

The chapters of the book consist of ten out of an original twelve talks which were broadcast by BBC Radio Newcastle during 1985. The intention of the series was to allow John Wesley in particular, but also his brother Charles and other early Methodists, to speak for themselves by the use of extracts from theirs own journals. Apart from minor alternations the talks are printed as they were transmitted, retaining the character of the spoken word. In the broadcasts the extracts were read by Peter Hudson, with Virtue Jones adding the women's voices; it is hoped that in this printed form they will convey the same vivid sense of the reality of the past as Peter and Virtue were able to impart in reading them.

John Wesley's arrival in Newcastle 1742.

Introducing Charles Wesley and Christopher Hopper.

Newcastle Orphan House.

Around the Pit villages.

Misunderstanding and opposition.

John Wesley and Grace Murray.

Early methodism in Sunderland.

John Wesley in Northumberland.

John Wesley in the Dales.

The end of the journey.

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